Helping you feel connected, inspired and fulfilled on your childfree journey

We are Childfree is a storytelling project and community that celebrates and empowers childfree lives​​

Cressida, Berlin

“At some point, I was just like: fuck it, I am different.”

Ada, Berlin

"I never felt like growing a baby inside of me."

Lydia, Greece

“If there is something I regret, it is the fact that for so many years, I just didn’t know who I was.”

Kate, Germany

“I’m really, really living for the first time.”

Blair, London

“I couldn’t have lived the hundred lives I’ve lived if I had a family.”


“At some point, I was just like: fuck it, I am different.”

Cressida, Berlin

"I never felt like growing a baby inside of me."

Ada, Berlin

“If there is something I regret, it is the fact that for so many years, I just didn’t know who I was.”

Lydia, Greece

“I’m really, really living for the first time.”

Kate, Germany

“I couldn’t have lived the hundred lives I’ve lived if I had a family.”

Blair, London

“Now I’m postmenopausal, it really is like I’m back to being 12 years old.”

Caroline, Montfort

“Don’t stress about biology so much.”

Jana, Berlin

“I feel that if I truly want to be happy, there's no space in my life for kids.”

Georgina, Berlin

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“My best childfree life consists of a beautiful polyam/open relationship with my anchor person.”

Mich, 37, Germany

“I don't regret having a bilateral salpingectomy. I call my incisions freedom scars.”

Lauren, 31, USA

“I had my tubes removed, and the freedom this affords is immeasurable.”

Baylie, 33, USA

“My sterilisation brought me grief and brought me peace.”

Grace, 24, USA

“I just never felt the desire.”

Karen, 66, Mexico

“I was gigantically relieved. I felt I'd been given a blessed reprieve.”

Anne, 70, USA

“I have lived a full life of service to my community.”

Tammi, 64, USA

“I’m 73. I decided to be ‘childfree’ before it was even a word!”

Deborah, 73, USA

“Because I am childfree, my personal time isn’t valued.”

Denise, 30, USA

“It has made me feel like I am a second-class citizen and employee simply for being childfree.”


“I’ve faced a lot of unfair treatment as a result of being an openly childfree woman.”


“When I finally found a doctor that put MY health before the health of a child that would never exist, I cried tears of joy.”

Britt, 34, USA


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What does your perfect day look like?

Can you imagine it?

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Create your Childfree Life Vision

What does your future look like?

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What about your friends?

We need deep connections!

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It's self-love.




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“My choice to be childfree is important to me, because I have a very special relationship with my body.”


“I am now 75, have never changed my mind and have never even had a broody moment.”

Wear it with pride


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The We are Childfree podcast is your audio guide to living your best childfree life!


"I hope this space and community helps you to feel less lonely and more secure (It certainly has for me, especially in hard times)."
"I will forever be grateful that you took on this endeavor of creating a safe, supportive space, for childfree people."
"This inclusive CF community has been incredibly helpful as I’ve navigated life after infertility. I’m definitely embracing all that life without children has to offer… and it’s pretty great 💜"
"Thank you so much for creating this caring community ❤️"
“When I found out I couldn’t have children I thought it was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. I think it’s actually turned out to be one of the best decisions life made for me. Finding this project was part of that so thank you”
“I’m so proud of being part of this community. 🙏🏻 and I’m so proud that I can tell everyone that I met a bunch of awesome people”
"Absolutely love your work it has honestly changed my life xx"
“After so many years of feeling ‘other’ I feel I've found a place I fit perfectly. Well done for creating such a kind and welcoming community x”
“Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re making such a huge difference!”
“It’s great that this community is here to support and cheer each other on, it’s a safe place where we can share our thoughts. I feel less alone because of it.”
“Thank you so much for sharing these stories with everyone. They are giving me permission to live a life of my own creation. So much gratitude for all you do❤️”
“After two years of being part of this community I feel more than okay. I have accepted my path and the fact that others are gonna chose their own and it’s okay. ”

“At some point, I was just like: fuck it, I am different.”

Cressida, Berlin

Wear it with pride


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Episode 40

Finding fulfilment, with 53-year-old childfree trailblazer Lydia

“When you realise who you are, everything becomes easier.”

Episode 39

How do you create your childfree future?

Finding YOUR life vision

Episode 38

We both wanted kids but I’ve changed my mind!

How does a couple talk about this?

Episode 37

How do you steer the conversation away from kids?

Can we please talk about something else? 🙏

Episode 36

Help! My coworkers keep asking if I have kids!

How do you deal with colleagues whose watercooler chat is... not cool?

Episode 35

Putting my life first, with Natasha den Dekker

What if you had to chose between your health, your birth family and your children yet to be?

Episode 34

Life done differently, with Lisa Jansen

Living her best solo vanlife!


Bonus Podcast: Ask WAC - How do you decide to be childfree?

We help a fencesitter with their childfree choice!


Bonus Podcast: Ask WAC - Will I regret being childfree?

Everyone says you'll regret your decision - are they right?

Episode 33

Childfree was chosen for me, with Sari Botton

A Gen X icon on finding the “permission” not to be a mother.

Episode 32

Getting vulnerable, with Xander Marin

How a couple made the childfree choice together, and what it's meant for their life.

Episode 31

Life just gets better and better, with Cindy Gallop

The “Michael Bay of business” likes to blow shit up - including society’s expectations for older women!


“Every childfree person deserves to feel seen, heard and connected to community.”​
