This is YOUR year!

How are you going to own your childfree choice in 2025?

Zoe Noble on a beach on Lefkada Greece

Do you feel it?

The sense that… this is your year?!

That’s very the energy we’re trying to embrace, as we kickstart our life and work into motion again.

We’ve gotten so much support from the We are Childfree community as we struggle to get back on the road and do some pretty hard things, that we wanted to bounce some of that love in your direction!

So no matter where you’re at on your journey, join us in the challenge of making this the year you OWN your childfree life! 💪✨

Here’s what that could look like for you…

🙌 Claim it: However you got here – by choice, by chance, or by circumstance – your childfree life is yours to own. It’s your story, your rules

💪 Embrace it: Freedom, joy, endless possibilities. This is your chance to design a life that feels incredible and authentic to you

👋 Let it go: The pressure to be extraordinary? Bye. Focus on a life that’s meaningful to you. Ordinary, extraordinary, or somewhere in between – it’s yours to define

💁‍♀️ Say it loud: Set those boundaries, shut down the awkward questions, and let your confidence do the talking

💛 Drop the guilt: No “what ifs,” no apologies. You’re not letting anyone down by choosing a path that brings you peace, joy, and fulfilment

✋ No more justifying: “I’m childfree.” That’s it. That’s the whole explanation.

Which one speaks the most to you?
How will you make 2025 your year?

Originally published in the We are Childfree Newsletter. Sign up to get more childfree tea, plus a brand new childfree story, straight to your inbox – “a childfree hug every week”.