What about your friends?

We need deep connections!

Maybe you’re confident in your childfree choice – we certainly hope so!
But, like TLC said, what about your friends?
We know that a lot of you will experience the same thing as Rebecca, or already have:
“The toughest part has been the massive loss of close friends – those who had kids disappeared in a ten year period.”
When we asked about the biggest challenges for childfree folks, 40% of you face or fear friendships changing or ending when people become parents. And more than half of you have trouble making childfree friends.
We know how hard it is to maintain relationships with people when they have kids, especially in the beginning. But we also know that it’s possible, with some work, compassion and reciprocation, for friendships to endure. Some of our parent friends are the biggest supporters of this project! 💝
However, there’s no substitute for friends who really understand and relate to what you’re going through.
That’s why we’re focused right now on helping folks make deep connections with likeminded people. Inside our member community, we’re connecting pen pals, who will soon be emailing, Zooming, even handwriting letters to get to know each other better 💌
And we have big plans for introducing y’all to your CFFs, your childfree friends. It’s top secret for now 🤫 so more on that later!
Thank you for being a friend x

Originally published in the We are Childfree Newsletter. Sign up to get more childfree tea, plus a brand new childfree story, straight to your inbox – “a childfree hug every week”.