Kids or childfree? with clarity coach Keltie Maguire

Gaining clarity about whether to have kids — or remain childfree.



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We love clarity coach Keltie Maguire! She’s been helping folks gain confidence and clarity in work, life, and now on the question of whether a life with — or without — kids is the right one for you.

If you…

  • Are tired of making endless “pros and cons” lists about whether or not you should have kids
  • Feel like the time to make a decision is quickly running out, and meanwhile, you still don’t know if you want to be a parent
  • Are done with dodging questions from friends, family, and yep, even strangers wondering, “When are you going to have kids?”
  • Worry that you could make the wrong choice, and end up lonely, old and regretful — or worse — with children you secretly resent


…then this workshop will give you a fresh perspective on how to think about the question, “kids or childfree?”


Keltie Maguire is a Clarity Coach living in Munich, Germany, who helps people gain clarity and direction in both work and life.

Prior to her decision to embrace a childfree life, Keltie spent many years of feeling ambivalent and uncertain about whether to have kids.

You can hear Keltie’s story about her choice in her We are Childfree podcast episode “Navigating Ambivalence”.

Event Details

Thursday, November 17, 2022
7:00 PM -
9:00 PM CEST