Can you imagine it?

“As childfree people, we have to draw our own map, light our own way. That can feel daunting. But it can start with something as simple as, 'What would your perfect day look like?'”
Are you up for a quick thought experiment? 🤔
Close your eyes and imagine your ideal day 10 years from now. What are you doing, and who are you with?
How was that? How clear was this picture of your future? How close are you to achieving it? We just asked this question in our member community, and the responses were fascinating. Some folks had lovely visions of perfectly peaceful days with their loved ones, which usually started with an al fresco coffee and ended with dinner and a movie! 🍿 And it was wonderful to hear how close people are to their childfree life vision: “We have days like that now, but the background parts are not all there yet”. Me, I’m closer to the other end of the spectrum, along with the person who said “I’m soooo bad with these kinds of questions 😆 honestly no idea 🤷♀️”. Zoë’s the future thinker and forward planner in our relationship, while I’m very focused on what’s right in front of me.
A classic overthinker, I also know that the point of the exercise is to highlight the goals you should be working towards, and I get caught up in panicky thoughts like, “What does it mean if I’m not living how I’d like to right now”?
Living in a van forces you to live in the here and now. When you move around all the time, there’s always something new to experience. And, for all sorts of reasons, your plans can easily go out the window, and you need to adapt at a moment’s notice.And yet, in some ways, Zo and I are still living for the future. There are lots of things we’d love to do with We are Childfree, and places we’d like to take the project (literally!), but we’re putting them off, out of sense of obligation – to you all, to our future selves, to our current debtors 😬…
We’ve had some intense conversations lately, and come through them with a greater sense of clarity about who we are and what we want our life to look like – now, and in 10 years’ time. We’re working on bringing forward some of the things that are on the back burner, the things that give us joy and allow us to share our unique gifts with the world.
And we’re very excited to share what we’ve learned in our upcoming live masterclass, Create Your Childfree Life Vision.I know as well as anyone that it’s not easy to live intentionally. Stepping off the standard life path of marriage-kids-career can feel like a step in the dark. As childfree people, we have to draw our own map, light our own way. That can feel daunting.
But it can start with something as simple as, what would your perfect day look like?
Originally published in the We are Childfree Newsletter. Sign up to get more childfree tea, plus a brand new childfree story, straight to your inbox – “a childfree hug every week”.