Totally tubular, with Caitlin Durante

One comedian's path to permanent birth control.

Episode 23


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We are Childfree is back for season 2 with one of my dream guests! Caitlin Durante is an LA-based comedian and co-host of the Bechdel Cast, which takes a look at movies through an intersectional feminist lens. I spoke to Caitlin a year after her tubal ligation, in the run up to what she’s calling “raw dog summer part 2”! We shared our experiences getting permanent birth control, the hoops we had to jump through and the dumb comments we both heard from doctors, nurses, and random dudes. Join us for a lolsob as we dive deep into a convo about feminism, film, fertility and fucking the patriarchy

Follow @caitlindurante on Twitter, and read this amazing thread about her tubal ligation. Listen to the Bechdel Cast and Caitlin’s solo podcast, Sludge: An American Healthcare Story, starting with this episode which compares a man and woman’s experience getting permanent birth control.

If you’re seeking permanent birth control, the childfree subreddit has a couple of useful resources: a list of childfree-friendly doctors all over the world, and a sterilisation wiki full of information and resources.


Coming soon!