Living with Less: Getting Intentional and Essential
How to focus on what really matters to you!
Episode 44

Ever wondered how van life or any kind of long term travel really works? Like, practically speaking? In this episode we answer a great question from a day one supporter about how to downsize for a life of adventure. Listen in to hear…
💪 Our brutal Marie-Kondo-on-steroids approach to shedding stuff
🗺️ The logistics of long term travel without a home base
🔮 How Essentialism (not Minimalism) helped us focus on what really matters
📚 And some big news (HUGE) from the We are Childfree team!
If you’re worried about facing unwelcome questions this festive season, check out our FREE Childfree Holiday Survival Guide 🤶👍
Podcast: Cool aunt energy, with environmentalist, atheist and big, blended family member Marie Fisher
Podcast: Life done differently, with Lisa Jansen
Masterclass: Create Your Childfree Life Vision
Book: Vagabonding by Rolf Potts
Book: How to Be Childfree by We are Childfree! Sign up for updates 🙌
If you have a problem you’d like the community’s help with, email with “Ask WAC” as the subject line.
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