“I wanted to live on purpose and not let things just happen.”
I’m an African American, married, 50-year-old, happy woman. My childfree journey began as a young child, I just didn’t know it yet.
I was born into a large family, so most of my childhood was spent babysitting a cousin, sibling, or family friend. I enjoyed babysitting and I liked receiving a pay check even more. When I became a teen and in my early twenties, it was obvious I had a gift connecting with children. I later became a teacher, which is very natural and rewarding to me.
As I went through my 20’s, I observed women around me have baby after baby, and I was not interested. Babies equated to work in my mind, and I was not willing to put in that type of work at such a critical time in my life.
Rather, I chose to focus on me and learning myself and what I truly wanted out of life. I wanted to live on purpose and not let “things” just happen. I am a spiritual being, so I knew there was more to life than how we have portrayed it for so many generations. I knew having babies would not fill any voids in my life, but that I would have to go deeper and understand my purpose and gifts.
That childfree realization eventually led me to having clarity and appreciating my unique thinking. Which led to me publishing my first book, “Child-Free, A Journey With Me!” At 50, I’m still learning and loving my journey.
The way we think is how we show up in the world, and unfortunately, the world tries to dictate how we think. Every day is an opportunity to renew our thinking and think on purpose.
We need your story! With your help, we can change how the world sees childfree people, and more importantly, how we see ourselves. Add your voice to the global childfree movement by sharing your story today.