“This is the most serious and consequential decision of your life.”

Liz, 38, USA

I never really put much thought into having kids, mainly because I spent my 20s and most of my 30s just trying to survive.

It was only in the last couple of years that my husband and I have been financially secure. We no longer live paycheck to paycheck and were even able to save up to buy our own home.

That being said, I don’t think I really wanted kids even at an early age. I grew up being the caretaker of everyone around me including my own mother. I remember the incredible loneliness of that, and wanting to do something meaningful with my life. Something other than being a mother.

I also suffer from chronic pain and am concerned a pregnancy could likely exacerbate it. I feel like when people say things like you should have children or else you’ll regret it they never take into consideration all the reasons behind your decision – physical, emotional, financial etc. I believe this is the most serious and consequential decision of your life and telling someone they’ll just “figure it out” is short-sighted.

Not having children has allowed me to focus my time and energy on the things I enjoy. I can go hiking in the afternoon, spend time reading in the morning, I do volunteer work in the community, and I travel often.

I still have so much left to do and explore, and I don’t want to be limited. None of these things I could do if we had children.