“The world doesn’t celebrate any of my achievements, not the same way being a mum is celebrated.”
“I just wish women could be celebrated, admired, and loved for what they are, and not for representing what society expects from them.”
I always thought that one day, the desire of being a mum would magically happen.
Maybe when I meet the right person… As that is what everyone says, so we are conditioned to believe that.
Well, I met my person six years ago. I don’t like the expression “right person” but I did meet the one I want to share my life with, hopefully forever.
The desire of being a mum didn’t magically happen and being a woman over 30 I needed to make this decision quickly.
So, I made my decision, or even better, decided to be true to myself about something that has always been my decision.
It wasn’t easy disappointing my husband, and maybe my mum, although my mum is very selfless and would always understand any path that I chose to follow as long as I am happy.
The problem is the world, the society, the small communities, which most definitely don’t see things like my mum.
I feel lonely, I feel worthless, even though I speak two languages, travelled the world, have a great job and always try to do the best by everyone.
The world doesn’t celebrate any of these achievements, not the same way being a mum is celebrated.
I respect people’s freedom to choose what it will make them happy, but I often feel like I am judged as selfish and immature for my decision.
I just wish women and people in general could be celebrated, admired, and loved for what they are, and not for representing what society expects from them.
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