“I was raised by a strong single mother who raised me to believe that I can do whatever I want.”

Patricia, 44, UK

As a Filipina, I am often reminded of how ‘wasted’ my womanhood is, how beautiful my child could have been and that it is never too late to change my mind.

I met my husband 11 years ago, and on our first date we were both very clear that we did not want children. Adoption was not in the books either. I work in sustainability and couldn’t imagine bringing another child into this world. He, like me, valued freedom (to travel, to discover), our own careers, our families around the globe – which of course meant we dote on our nieces, nephews, godchildren – as well as dogs.

My husband and I value financial, emotional and physical independence. We don’t have much, but we are lucky enough to work in fields we are passionate about and support multiple causes we believe in. This means having to be sensitive to our peers who live very different lifestyles at various stages of friendships – and we show up how we can.

I was raised by a strong single mother who raised me to believe that I can do whatever I want. She supports my decision and knows that my husband and I are living the best versions of ourselves – childfree.