“My sterilisation brought me grief and brought me peace.”

Grace, 24, USA

I have known I wanted to be childfree since I was in high school, when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that changed my relationship with my body.

I knew I never wanted to be pregnant or give birth, but it was not until I turned 21 that I became more vocal about not wanting children. I began articulating this truth to myself, to my soon-to-be husband, and to some of my loved ones and it gave me strength.

There are many reasons I chose to be childfree: money, time, career, other dreams I want time for. Most importantly, I value my health and my relationship with my almost husband.

I was sterilised in 2022. My sterilisation brought me grief and brought me peace. Grief, temporarily, for a life I was supposed to want. Peace, unwavering, for the life I am creating.

I am glad that I took such care and deliberation in arriving to my decision to be childfree. I am glad that I choose to live a life that is authentic to me and that is best for my health and relationships.

It is an enormous decision to bring another human into the world and commit to raising them in good health. I see so many people default to parenthood without much thought.

My greatest hope is that society begins to see being childfree as a legitimate and celebrated option, and that more people take the time to deeply consider what kind of life they want and what it means to raise and care for another human. I do believe We are Childfree is helping us all get there.