“I don’t regret having a bilateral salpingectomy. I call my incisions freedom scars.”

Lauren, 31, USA

I am a domestic violence and rape survivor. I also have Type 1 bipolar disorder.

I couldn’t bring a child into this world because I couldn’t fully protect it. I’ve been through so much trauma, I couldn’t face the pain of knowing my child was sexually assaulted. I don’t want to pass on these genes either.

I have grieved motherhood and am content in my decision. Raising a child in a world full of violence (that’s often normalised) and the reality of climate change feels barbaric.

I don’t regret having a bilateral salpingectomy at 31. I call my incisions freedom scars.

Healing my inner child will be my greatest mothering role and for that I am forever grateful to live this life – a privilege I do not take lightly.