“I decided to prioritize my own health and healing rather than put my body through more trauma.”

Rebekah, 46, USA

Initially, I was childfree by circumstance.

My then-partner and I both have fertility challenges, and after several years of escalating reproductive interventions, our doctor told us our best chance at having a baby was to begin IVF.

We took some time to think that over and realized we didn’t want a baby as badly as we thought we did.

Additionally, I have stage 4 endometriosis, and I decided to prioritize my own health and healing rather than put my body through more trauma.

Instead, we became childfree by choice, and over the next ten years I gave birth to other things.

I went to culinary school, quit my job, started two businesses, wrote a book, ran a marathon, went to Iceland by myself to see the Northern Lights, and ended my 17-year relationship. I don’t think I would have done any of those things if I wasn’t childfree.

Now I continually ask myself, “What will I gestate next?”