“Deep in my heart I know that I don’t want to have kids.”

Karlijn, 25, Netherlands

Deep in my heart I know that I don’t want to have kids, but from time to time I have my doubts.

At 25, I already find myself in social situations where I differ from the norm, and that scares me a little bit. I can think of a hundred arguments to have kids or not, but down the line I think it comes to having a desire or not.

It’s a gut feeling I guess, that not everybody experiences.

I have always known I don’t want to have kids, but since about a year I have been thinking about it more. I am also actively searching for role models and like-minded people because I don’t see any examples in my social environment.

Luckily, it’s becoming a more common topic on social media and in podcasts. I get a lot of reassurance and recognition out of this. Knowing that I still have plenty of time to form my decision, makes me feel at peace.