“I fought long and hard for my happiness and my freedom.”

Isabell, 33, Germany

I come from a household of abuse, both physical and mental.

My family has a lot of history with trauma and those traumas passed though the generations. I am the only biological child of my parents and I want that cycle to end with me.

I spent a part of my adolescence in a shelter after running away from home and I shared my life with children who, like me, chose or were forced to live away from their parents.

We became kind of a substitute family for each other and I truly learned that family has nothing to do with blood. And that parents can absolutely suck and be horrible people.

I fought long and hard for my happiness and my freedom and I am not ready to give that up for anything.

I am not ready for carrying the responsibility for another life. I’d much rather regret not having children than having children. My childfree life is just the way I want it. And I found a loving partner who is also childfree and we are very happy with our decision.