“I’m glad to be living my life according to ME!”

Whitney, 40, USA

I started seeking more permanent birth control options at 28 years old, initially asked for a tubal ligation. I didn’t know what my other options were.

I was denied because my doctor felt “my husband might change his mind one day”. In fact, she asked, “What will you do if your husband changes his mind?” And I replied, “He wouldn’t be my husband anymore”. She didn’t like that.

I then asked about an IUD. She said that an IUD wasn’t appropriate for someone like me who didn’t already have children. I left with another prescription for birth control pills.

I then spent five years trying to just get an IUD and finally succeeded on that front. Five years after that, another childfree friend told me about bilateral salpingectomy and shared resources. I found a doctor in my area known for supporting bodily autonomy and made an appointment ready to fight again.

I brought it up in the appointment along with all my reasons and she said, “Great, let’s get you schedule and make sure we can get it covered by your insurance”. I literally cried, the most immense weight lifted off.

That was two years ago and I’ve never regretted a moment. The irony being, after the procedure my husband did change his mind and well, as promised, he’s not my husband anymore. I’m glad to be living my life according to ME!

The same childfree friend who told me about bisalp and my younger cousin had their procedures just after me and now I take time to share my experience with other childfree people looking for permanent freedom.