“I have been refused permanent birth control multiple times and now have an ongoing complaint against the NHS.”
I have been on hormonal contraception for almost 15 years.
I want to stop taking hormones but my partner refuses to get a vasectomy.
I asked about sterilisation when I was 24 and was denied. My GP at 27 referred me again for sterilisation and the gynaecology department refused my referral on the grounds I was too young (27) and didn’t have kids – that my future partners may want kids even if my current one doesn’t.
I knew I was childfree since age 16 I have never changed my mind. I have seen various doctors every time I have went to get my contraception I enquire. I have been refused multiple times and I now have an ongoing complaint against the NHS.
It makes me feel like I have no right to my own body and that they take my autonomy away without considering my circumstances properly. They would rather I risk harm from harsh chemicals and hormones or getting pregnant than a quick permanent surgery.
I no longer have sex with my boyfriend for fear of getting pregnant but also wanting to come off hormones.
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