The community-supported storytelling platform that celebrates childfree lives.

What began as a personal portrait project has grown into a worldwide community, a global grassroots movement dedicated to destigmatising the childfree choice.

“Every childfree person deserves to feel seen, heard and connected to community.”


I always knew I didn’t want children, but I felt alone in my choice and scared to live my truth. In my 30s, I finally gained the confidence to say out loud, “I’m childfree”. And when I did, I faced judgement from doctors, taxi drivers… even people I loved!

We’ve all heard the negative stereotypes about childfree people, women especially – that we’re selfish, immature, like there’s something wrong with us. I wanted to dismantle these false myths and change how the world sees us, how we see ourselves. So I started photographing childfree women in my studio, and sharing their stories. 

What happened next was a revolution! We are Childfree was featured in the New York Times, messages of support started flooding in and my life was changed forever. I just knew that I had to keep going, sharing our stories and growing this beautifully diverse community. Because when someone is supporting you, you feel stronger, empowered to live authentically.



Representation matters

As many as 1 in 4 adults don’t plan to have children, but we’re missing from the media.

Without people to relate to, or role models to look up to, many of us have felt alone, hopeless, unable to imagine a fulfilling future.

By telling our stories and uplifting our voices, We are Childfree shows us – and the world – that our lives are worth celebrating.

We help childfree people feel seen, heard and empowered to live authentically.​

Childfree lives are valid

From birth, we’re taught that women’s only value is as mothers, and that having children is our one path to fulfilment.

We’re called selfish, immature and unnatural, when we’ve made a conscious choice that’s right for us and our lives.

We are Childfree centres real human experiences, to show that being childfree is valid, as happy and fulfilling as any other way of life.

By inspiring people to live loud, proud and authentically, we’re destigmatising the childfree choice.

Everyone has the right to choose

The human right to bodily autonomy is a privilege not everyone enjoys. Nearly half of people raised as girls aren’t able to decide what they do with their body or their life.

We stand for reproductive freedom for all. But whether you need an abortion, tubal ligation or treatment for endometriosis, chances are it’s harder than it should be to access the care you need.

The We are Childfree Membership community is a safe space to talk about our options, share resources and organise actions in defence of our rights.

We help childfree folks find the support you need, to live the life you choose.


Hey there!

We’re Zoë and James. We’ve been together 20 years, and spent a lot of that time creating content and getting fired up about the same feminist issues.

Zo’s a photographer, designer and people person who loves to teach and learn from others. James is a writer, editor and community manager with years of experience providing world-class customer support.

It’s just the two of us working on this passion project so if We are Childfree has touched your life like it has ours, you can support our work by becoming a member, making a donation or adding your voice to the movement.

All our love, Zoë and James x

Become a We are Childfree Member

We are Childfree is empowering childfree lives, with the generous support of our membership community. Become a member to support our life-changing work, join your childfree community and get exclusive member perks.