Putting my life first, with Natasha den Dekker

What if you had to chose between your health, your birth family and your children yet to be?

Episode 35


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Natasha is a British-Asian woman who was born with a bicornate uterus, who found out at 21 that carrying a child to term would be very difficult and dangerous.

This helped Natasha make a careful, considered choice about being childfree, but it was the final disappointment for her traditional Hindu parents who she’s now cut out of her life.

This was an eye-opening conversation about growing up in England as someone of South Asian heritage, being “not brown enough” for some people, and breaking free of your family’s rigid expectations to create a lovely childfree life for yourself.

Read Natasha’s story: “It was very much a decision thrust upon me at a really young age so it’s probably why I’ve thought about it more than my peers.”
