“I would like to be more brave and follow what my heart says rather following my societal norms.”
I’m 28 unmarried, from south India. I admire kids but I have this strong feeling that I do not want my own kids in future.
I thought I was the only one and I am always told that I’m a strange and weird person in my society to feel this.
People say that my thoughts are abnormal and I can not find a partner who is willing to agree with them.
But still I can’t give up on my gut feelings and struggling to fit in the societal pressures… but your page was at least a ray of hope that makes me feel I’m not alone.
Thanks for uplifting these voices.
I would like to be more brave and follow what my heart says rather following my societal norms.
I have a huge respect for all the moms and to be moms. Lots of love and peace to all ❤️🥰
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