“There’s not one life path that fits all, so why do we sell the one path of parenthood to everyone?”

Megan, 33, Canada

Growing up I had subconsciously assumed I would get married and have children one day, because that’s what the world told me I needed to do, not because I actually wanted to be a parent.

The world tells us that having children will make us happy, it’s what ‘the purpose of life is’. I was 17 when I first realized that that was all a lie. That what really brings happiness is what we decide for ourselves, the path we forge based on our own unique and personal goals and desires.

It was incredibly empowering when I began to question the status quo and critically analyze what it would mean to have children and how it would affect my life in a way I didn’t want.

I’ve always felt that this kind of self-reflection isn’t encouraged enough in our society. Instead there’s an automatic assumption that we all need to procreate and it can push people into decisions they one day regret. There’s not one life path that fits all, so why do we sell the one path of parenthood to everyone?

Instead we need to focus on the aspect of choice. Just as we encourage people to choose the right careers, we need to encourage parenthood as a choice and that being childfree is equally as valid and worthy of celebration.