“Raising kids would be the most difficult challenge for me.”

Neeah, 25, USA

Being raised in a Christian home as an autistic child, I was taught not to have sex before marriage and that kids were a vital part of marriage and that “God choose who he wants to be parents”.

I was conditioned to believe that I would one day be a mom. Something I thought wanted.

But when my two oldest sisters started having kids and I would babysit my nieces and nephews, I realized how much work it was and to take care of kids. I bravely commend my sisters for their patience and knowing how to deal with kids because I simply cannot. Due to my autism and sensory issues, it would be the most difficult challenging for me.

Since I have left my Christian faith behind, I’ve never been more sure that I certainly don’t want kids.

Honestly I been sharing my space with other people and never got to figure out who I really am and what I wanted. I’m so glad I’m on my own and get to figure out myself and what I want out of life. I certainly don’t regret the decision to pass on kids.

I deep-down know this what I want and no one can tell me otherwise.