“My children's books series allows me space to enjoy all that kids have to offer without feeling guilty.”
Some people are often intrigued that I’m a children’s book author yet I have no children of my own.
My desire to write and touch children’s lives has little to do with my own journey of being childfree. From a young age I found myself dreaming of a life full of adventure and travel. That vision never included little ones and over time it became more clear the childfree journey was the journey for me.
Now in my late thirties I’m still confident in my choice but I feel a disconnect with people my age because of our different journeys in life. My friends are either 25 or 65 and that’s ok. However sometimes I miss the connections with people my own age who can relate to how it feels to be 38, with or without kids.
My children’s books series allows me to connect with families in a way I might not have been able to without the books. And it allows me space to enjoy all that kids have to offer without feeling guilty.
I want to share my story because I want to help others find friendships in this time and space that can exist without playdates and after school events.
I want to show the world that being childfree doesn’t mean you don’t like kids. In many ways it means you cherish childhood so much you want to nurture it in the best ways you know how.
We need your story! With your help, we can change how the world sees childfree people, and more importantly, how we see ourselves. Add your voice to the global childfree movement by sharing your story today.