“I have never been broody. I love my space.”
I have known since I was 19 that I didn’t want children. I have never been broody. I love my space.
I was in an amazing committed relationship for almost 6 years. It ended recently because I wouldn’t change my mind about children. My ex respects that I was open since day one. They were just hopeful that I’d change my mind. I didn’t.
I just can’t imagine myself being a mother. I’m from a very supportive African family. I’ve never been pressured into having children or marrying. They just want me to be happy which I am. I am not 100% sure if I don’t want marriage, but it would need to be with someone who doesn’t want children so that minimizes my chances and I’m OK with that. I love children but don’t want to be responsible for one.
Last year I quit my job and went travelling (I still am). I know I wouldn’t have been able to do this if I had a child. I love my life. Looking forward to platforms that will allow us to connect with other childfree people.
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