“We have to break internal conditioning that is deep rooted since childhood and across lifetimes.”

Hanan, 35, Netherlands

I’m originally a Lebanese Visual and Service Design Consultant currently living in Amsterdam.

I’ve been with my partner since 2012 and we got married in 2016. From day one, he was honest about his desire to remain childfree. I was okay with the idea at first, but then after marriage, the issue became more difficult for me especially that I come from a traditional and Middle-Eastern culture and background.

We are both yoga and meditation practitioners and we lead a certain lifestyle and spiritual path. The latter helped me greatly. However, I still find it challenging to “consciously” decide not to have a children; as a woman. Saying Yes is easy, saying Maybe is easy… but saying NO to it is really hard because a woman has to break internal conditioning that is deep rooted since childhood and across lifetimes.

Yoga, art and expressing myself help me stay true the choice I’ve made and focus on my inner growth instead.