“I don’t know where this nomadic life will take me.”

Hillary, 39, USA

A couple of years ago, I saw my cousin for the first time in several years. I met her two beautiful daughters, and we were catching up on our lives since the last time we had seen each other.

We were talking about my recent travels, including 3 consecutive months exploring the Yucatan, a subsequent month-long return to Mexico and several trips in between. She innocently declared her jealousy and said “You must make so much money to be able to do this!”. I looked at her two babies and said “You must too”.

While my reasoning to remain childfree has never been greater financial freedom or flexibility to travel, both have been benefits of doing so. While friends and family have had children and become more settled, I have become increasing nomadic. Three years ago, I started traveling long term, and a year ago, I gave up my home, sold or donated all of my belongings and began traveling full time.

I have slow traveled throughout Europe, spending months in one place, sinking in to solo and childfree life there, having the freedom to pop over to Paris for the weekend to go to a concert or see friends. I have taken impromptu trips to Croatia, Ireland, and Serbia because my International Tinder dates recommended them.  I am heading to South American for two months in a week and am planning my 40th birthday in Berlin, with two months in Portugal in between.

While I don’t know where this nomadic life will take me, I am grateful my choice to remain childfree has led me here.