“I want to break the taboo culture around choosing a childfree life in medicine.”

Camila, 21, USA

Hello! My name is Camila, I’m originally from Miami, Florida, and just recently moved to Las Vegas. I’ve worked as a licensed practical nurse for two years now and am currently enrolled for my biology degree in hopes of going to medical school someday.

I’ve always known from a young age that kids were not for me and I’d share it with every adult woman in my life only to be met with disheartened looks and disappointment.

At 20, I moved forward with a procedure called lapzrosocopic bilateral salpingectomy. In short, I removed my fallopian tubes!

I share my story despite all the backlash in the hopes that it will reach a girl just like me and bring hope to them knowing that there’s options and paths in life as a woman other than bearing children.

I live my life proudly childfree and advocate for women and men to have the freedom to live their lives childfree if that’s within their hearts. I also advocate for doctors to provide permanent measures to women who desire it and break the taboo culture around choosing a childfree life in medicine.