“I am what I am, and proudly childfree.”

Stace, 33, UK

For as long as I can remember, I never visualised myself as a mother.

I just wasn’t attracted to parenting and having a fairytale wedding like most girls often fantasised about.

I did have baby toy dolls, but would usually prefer my stuffed toy dog called MrFlopsy! I have a vivid memory of putting a doll nappy on him and pushing him round like a baby in the toy pram, haha.

As I got older something didn’t feel right, after meeting babies I never felt the urge to want one myself. As a kid I was relieved to be away from them and other young children, they were usually noisy and disruptive!

I was told by others “your time will come”, “you will get the feeling”, “it’s different when they are your own”… but nothing changed with time!

As a teen/young adult I was present for (and supported) my mother caring for my disabled grandmother and uncle. Caring isn’t easy, and opened my eyes further to all the hard work it would be to parent!

I used to feel selfish saying this, but I never want to intentionally put myself in the position where someone is dependent on me. Cats are the only exception!

My mental health isn’t the best, I know that being a parent would push me to the edge.

I am at the stage of my life where I’m content, I dance to the beat of my own drum without the fear of what others think and the comparison!

I am what I am, and proudly childfree. Also not afraid to let people know when they pry around the topic!